Lucky to Get a Call

“I was also offered an opportunity to receive training.”

My wife and I are in our 60s and living with our son and his family. Having worked for many years as a junior high school teacher in Pakistan, I knew I could not expect to get the same job immediately upon moving to the United States. I decided I would pick up whatever job came my way.

My bishop was happy to help me when I discussed working at Deseret Industries. I had to wait a few weeks before I was accepted into the training program, because so many applicants had applied for jobs. I was lucky to get a call that there was a job for me. I began work as a baler, but I noticed that many associates were getting help to pursue careers. I was also offered an opportunity to receive training that would lead me to a new full-time position.

Working at Deseret Industries has been a great experience. DI associates are expected to be reliable, hard-working, honest, and punctual, yet the atmosphere at DI is very relaxed as they willingly help associates work through personal problems while helping them to succeed. All of my supervisors were very kind, courteous, and sympathetic.

After working and training at DI for about four months, they helped me apply for a cashier position at a new large retail store. A short time later, I was hired!

“The atmosphere at DI is very relaxed as they willingly help associates work through personal problems while helping them to succeed.”

For more amazing stories like Malcolm’s, visit the DI’s Facebook page by clicking here.