Nov 28, 2023

Meet Tyler: Associate Profile

After a few years of being out of a job, Tyler wasn’t sure how to approach returning to the workforce. At the recommendation of a church leader, he found his way to Deseret Industries, where he is receiving job training and is getting back into the swing of being employed.

As he contemplates his professional future, Tyler is also considering returning to school.

“I went to school for a while and got my associate’s degree,” Tyler says. “I was trying to get into programming, specifically software engineering. It’s a lot of interesting stuff, but it got to a point where I didn’t really think it was something I wanted to do with my life.”

Tyler is now meeting with a development counselor who is helping him prepare for future educational and employment opportunities.

“The next thing I’m going to do is narrow down which career paths I want to explore and then go from there,” Tyler says.

In addition to his development counselor, Tyler credits his job coach for her ongoing support.

“She is helping me figure out my future,” Tyler says. “She has shown me that there’s a bunch of stuff I can go and do rather than just being stuck in the same place.”

To support his job coach in return, Tyler is putting forth his best effort into being an associate.

“I have developed the mentality of, ‘If I’m going to try it, I’m going to go for it 100 percent,’” Tyler says. “So, it’s just being earnest, being honest, and being diligent—actually doing what I need to and what is asked of me.”

For Tyler, the best part of his job is not about anything he is gaining—rather, it is about the difference that he is able to make as he shows up for each shift.

“Even when I’m having a bad day, I can come here for work, and I know that I’m actually helping people,” Tyler says. “We’re a donation center, but we also help people in positions like I was. That’s my favorite part about working here.”

DI associate Tyler