I Am Worthy

“Before I started at the DI, I felt unwanted and unemployable.”

When I was referred to Deseret Industries, I had just come out of a long-term abusive relationship. For some reason, I couldn’t get away. He was both verbally and physically abusive, very controlling and needy. I was beaten on a regular basis. Most of my teeth were knocked out and, on one occasion, he slammed my head through a brick wall. In fact, when he would leave, he would chain lock the front door so I couldn’t leave. I was trapped, with no self-esteem. I felt unwanted and unworthy to be around the public.

Being kicked out of my apartment allowed me to be free from him. I had nowhere to live, so I slept at different homes to survive. One day, someone told me about the Deseret Industries program. I met with my bishop who provided me a referral to the program, and from that day forward things changed.

Before I started at the DI, I felt unwanted and unemployable. My appearance was very undesirable. I had only one or two teeth. When I spoke to people, I would put my hand over my mouth because I didn’t want to offend them. I also felt like I was being judged by others because of how I looked. The caring atmosphere and patient encouragement helped me to regain my self-esteem and confidence once more. They even helped find a way for me to receive a new smile. I gained the ability to work with the public and feel accepted. I began to see my worth.

On the last day of my training at Deseret Industries, I was offered two jobs and had to choose one. I am grateful for DI and what I have started to become because of the program.

“I gained the ability to work with the public and feel accepted. I began to see my worth.”

For more amazing stories like Terri’s, visit the DI’s Facebook page by clicking here.