Sep 10, 2019

Meet Jassie: Associate Profile

After her ex-husband died, Jassie came to live with her sister, brother-in-law, and nephew. She couldn’t drive, so she wasn't able to get a job.
“I was staying home, and I got depressed. I missed my kids and grandkids in California. I would say, ‘I wish I could work,’” explains Jassie. 
Some friends from church suggested she seek training at DI. With a referral in hand, she began a new job.
Since coming to Deseret Industries, Jassie has felt happier. “I like the people and the friends I have here. I have caring friends again,” she says.
For Jassie’s next steps, she hopes to find work at a school near her sister’s house. 
Associate Jassie hangs clothes at Deseret Industries